Looking to sell at TOP TOP TOP dollar?
Selling traditionally can come with a few issues that often comes down to time and money.
The clock is ticking
You may have noticed that selling on the open market privately can take a lot longer, especially in the colder months. During this time your unit is getting older and more competition may be entering the market. You may have to sell at a big discount below value to convince a private party to buy.
Money Matters
You could sell to an “instant offer” buyer or dealer. Typically these are resellers looking to buy, and then resell your RV. An admirable and respectable business but that often comes at a cost to you, the seller, as they have to offer you a low enough price that they can still make a profit reselling it. Not us, we are NOT resellers. Our business model does not rely on us low balling you an offer.
Seller Financing for the win! With our buying program we buy RV's directly from private owners and pay them monthly payments. This comes with several proiections for you including an option for 3rd party payment protection insurance from a major insurance provider that re-assure you that you will always get paid.
Ready to make MORE money?
Contact us today at Info@RV2ME.com